(G91) Hydrocephalus

(Водянка головного мозга)

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1 112 959 in individuals diagnosis hydrocephalus confirmed
25 651 deaths with diagnosis hydrocephalus
2% mortality rate associated with the disease hydrocephalus

Diagnosis hydrocephalus is diagnosed Men are 10.61% more likely than Women

615 536

Men receive the diagnosis hydrocephalus

13 083 (2.1 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

497 423

Women receive the diagnosis hydrocephalus

12 568 (2.5 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease hydrocephalus - Men and Women aged 70-74

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-94
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 95+Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 95+
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-94

Disease Features hydrocephalus

Absence or low individual and public risk

Hydrocephalus - what does this mean

Hydrocephalus is a condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain, causing increased intracranial pressure and resulting in neurological damage. it is usually caused by blockage or obstruction of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which can be due to a congenital defect, infection, or tumor.

What happens during the disease - hydrocephalus

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Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

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Treatment and Medical Assistance

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24 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Hydrocephalus - Prevention

The best way to prevent hydrocephalus is to receive regular prenatal care and to treat any infections during pregnancy. additionally, it is important to practice good hygiene and to take measures to prevent head injuries, as these can increase the risk of developing hydrocephalus.

Main symptoms of the disease hydrocephalus


(Vision loss, Lack of sight, Unable to see, Eye defect, Visual impairment, Partial sight, Darkness, Obscurity, Blind spot, Night blindness)

Blindness is the inability to see. It can be caused by physical damage to the eyes, or by damage to the optic nerve or brain. It can be partial or complete, and can develop suddenly or gradually. Manifestations of blindness can include difficulty recognizing faces, difficulty reading, difficulty fin...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 7 diseases

Noise in ears

(Ringing in ears, Buzzing in ears, Humming in ears, Hissing in ears, Roaring in ears, Whistling in ears, Tinnitus, Ears ringing, Ears buzzing)

Noise in the ears, also known as tinnitus, is a symptom in which a person hears a sound in their ears without an external source. It can range from a low, buzzing sound to a loud, high-pitched ringing. It can occur suddenly or gradually, and can be constant or intermittent. Tinnitus can be caused by...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 40 diseases

Gait disorders

(Gait disturbances, Gait abnormalities, Walking problems, Gait instability, Gait imbalance, Gait impairment, Gait dysfunction, Gait abnormality, Gait irregularity, Gait difficulty)

Gait disorders are impairments in walking that can range from mild to severe. Symptoms can include an unsteady walk, shuffling, tripping, or dragging one foot. Gait disorders may be caused by a variety of conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, traumatic brain injury, multiple scl...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 31 diseases

Eye pain

(Ocular pain, Eye ache, Eye discomfort, Eye irritation, Eye strain, Ocular discomfort, Eye tenderness, Eye sensitivity, Eye pressure, Sore eyes, Eye soreness)

Eye pain is an uncomfortable sensation in and around the eyes, ranging from mild to severe. It may be sharp, dull, or burning and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, tearing, and sensitivity to light. It may develop suddenly or gradually and can be caused by a variety of factors, s...

Age: 5 to 100Accociated with 30 diseases


(Sleepiness, Fatigue, Lethargy, Sluggishness, Exhaustion, Languor, Listlessness, Torpor, Stupor, Dullness, Lassitude)

Drowsiness is a symptom characterized by an overwhelming feeling of tiredness and a strong desire to sleep. It usually develops gradually, with a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids and a lack of energy. It can be caused by various conditions, such as lack of sleep, certain medications, or certain m...

Age: any ageAccociated with 52 diseases


(Vertigo, Lightheadedness, Giddiness, Faintness, Unsteadiness, Dazed, Spinning, Disorientation, Unbalanced, Foggy, Loss of balance, Uncoordinated, Confusion)

Dizziness is a sensation of feeling off-balance and lightheaded. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by a feeling of spinning or swaying. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and can be triggered by physical activity, changes in position, or lack of food or fluids. Symptoms can ...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 133 diseases


(Immobility, Debility, Infirmity, Inactivity, Stiffness, Lameness, Weakness, Inability, Atrophy, Impairment, Numbness, Loss of movement)

Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in part of the body. It is caused by damage to the nervous system, resulting in an inability to control voluntary movements. Symptoms can range from weakness, numbness, and tingling in the affected area to complete loss of movement and sensation. In the most se...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 23 diseases


(Spasmodic torticollis, Involuntary muscle contractions, Involuntary muscle spasms, Involuntary twisting, Involuntary writhing, Muscle spasms, Muscle contractions, Muscle cramps, Muscle spasm, Muscle rigidity, Abnormal postures, Abnormal movements, Ab...)

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by sustained muscle contractions, abnormal postures, and repetitive, involuntary movements. It can affect any part of the body, causing pain, impaired movement, and other physical and mental symptoms. Symptoms typically develop slowly and wo...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 7 diseases

Decreased appetite

(Diminished hunger, Loss of appetite, Lack of appetite, Decreased hunger, Reduced appetite, Anorexia, Poor appetite, Decreased intake, Lack of interest in food)

Decreased appetite is a symptom that can manifest in a variety of ways. It can manifest as a lack of interest in food, difficulty eating, or a lack of hunger. This symptom can develop gradually over time or suddenly. It can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, medications, or psychological ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 119 diseases


Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It can be accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, and sweating. Vomiting can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as food poisoning, motion sickness, viral infections, and migraine headaches. Symptoms can range from mild ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 149 diseases

Decreased vision

(Impaired vision, Blurred vision, Diminished vision, Reduced vision, Fuzzy vision, Clouded vision, Hazy vision, Poor vision, Weak vision, Low vision)

Decreased vision is a symptom of many underlying conditions. It can range from mild blurring of vision to complete loss of sight. It can develop gradually or suddenly, and may be accompanied by pain, headaches, or double vision. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be partial or complete, affec...

Age: any ageAccociated with 74 diseases


(Upset stomach, Queasiness, Queasy feeling, Stomach discomfort, Gastric unease, Stomach churning, Stomach upset, Stomachache, Feeling sick, Feeling queasy, Stomach queasiness, Feeling nauseous, Feeling nauseated, Nauseousness)

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen that may be accompanied by an urge to vomit. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, and increased salivation. Nausea can be caused by a variety of stimuli, including motion sickness, certai...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 217 diseases


(Cephalalgia, Hedache, Pounding head, Throbbing head, Ache, Pounding pain, Throbbing pain, Head pain, Migraine, Tension headache)

Headache is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It typically develops gradually and can be localized or generalized. Common types of headache include tension-type, migraine, cluster, and sinus headaches, each with their own unique characteristics and manifestations. Tension-type hea...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 244 diseases


(Listlessness, Indifference, Lethargy, Passivity, Inactivity, Torpor, Unconcern, Absence of emotion, Stoicism, Disinterest, Insouciance, Sluggishness)

Apathy is a lack of emotion or interest in activities. It may manifest as a lack of motivation, decreased energy, or a general disinterest in things that were previously enjoyable. It can be a gradual process, beginning with a lack of energy and enthusiasm, and progressing to a complete lack of moti...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 31 diseases

Irritability and anger

(Agitation, Annoyance, Frustration, Hostility, Impatience, Impetuosity, Indignation, Irascibility, Irritation, Resentment, Testiness, Upset)

Irritability and anger are common symptoms of many psychological and physical health issues. It is characterized by frequent outbursts of anger and frustration, often in response to minor issues. It can be accompanied by feelings of restlessness, agitation, and difficulty controlling emotions. It of...

Age: 5 to 100Accociated with 53 diseases


(Weakness, Incoordination, Paralysis, Impaired movement, Muscle weakness, Loss of movement, Muscle paralysis, Partial paralysis, Inability to move, Inability to control movement, Inability to control muscles, Partial loss of control, Partial loss of m...)

Paresis is a medical condition in which there is a partial or complete loss of muscle function. It is usually caused by damage to the brain or spinal cord and can affect any muscle group in the body, including the arms, legs, face, and trunk. In most cases, paresis develops gradually, but in some ca...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 24 diseases


(Flickering eyes, Oscillopsia, Jiggling eyes, Dancing eyes, Oscillating eyes, Involuntary eye movements, Involuntary eye jerking, Rapid eye movements, Trembling eyes, Wiggling eyes)

Nystagmus is an involuntary, rapid, rhythmic eye movement that can occur in any direction. It is characterized by the eyes making repetitive, uncontrolled movements. It may appear as a side-to-side, up-and-down, or rotary motion. It may be present at birth or develop later in life. Symptoms vary in ...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 10 diseases

Impaired coordination

(Lack of coordination, Clumsiness, Unsteadiness, Uncoordinated, Ineptitude, Awkwardness, Fumbling, Unskillfulness, Uncoordination, Clumsy, Unbalanced, Imbalance, Inability to coordinate, Lack of balance)

Impaired coordination is a condition where the body's ability to coordinate movement is compromised. It can manifest as difficulty with fine motor skills, such as writing or buttoning a shirt, or gross motor skills, such as walking or running. It can also cause clumsiness or a lack of balance. This ...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 19 diseases